
Children can make a positive difference in the lives of other kids in need. It’s important to talk to children about hunger and inspire them to take action to fight hunger. In this step-by-step toolkit, teachers and parents can use the resources to teach young children about the Atlanta Community Food Bank and how they can help us stop the Hunger Monster. 

While using these resources, it is important to realize that people will bring their own experiences and attitudes to these activities and discussions. With 1 in 9 people and 1 in 8 children in Georgia experiencing food insecurity, it is likely that someone in your group or class will have experienced food insecurity and/or hunger at some point or will know someone who has.

Other people may live in an environment of plenty and have a difficult time understanding how hunger persists in the United States. It is essential not to judge or criticize different perspectives. It is our hope that these materials will help dispel myths and misconceptions that surround hunger issues and underscore the urgent need to get involved in the work being done to address hunger in our community.

** Our resources are free of charge, but we do ask that groups participate in a minimum of one action step to support our hunger-fighting efforts. Action step suggestions and tools are listed below.

What is the Atlanta Community Food Bank?

The Atlanta Community Food Bank is on a mission to end hunger and believes we can do so by engaging, educating, and empowering our community. You can use the following tools to teach students everything they need to know about the Atlanta Community Food Bank and how we are working with our community to end hunger. 

Who is the Hunger Monster and how do we stop him?


Hunger is a monster that can strike anyone big or small, young or old.

The following book list and Stop the Hunger Monster activities can help young children learn about who the Hunger Monster is; the meaning of food and the importance of it to different cultures; and build empathy and inspiration towards ending hunger.

Stop the Hunger Monster Food and Fund Drive:

After learning about the Atlanta Community Food Bank, the Hunger Monster and food insecurity, it is time to take what your group has learned and help us Stop the Hunger Monster! Food and Fund Drives are a powerful way to make a meaningful difference. Use the following materials to help you create a fun and successful drive. 

Other Ways to Take Action:

Collecting donations is one of many ways to take action against food insecurity. Can you think of other ways that your group can work together to take action against the Hunger Monster? Click to download Take Action page.

Brainstorm Other Ways to Take Action

After You Have Taken Action:

Congratulations! You have completed your successful action step. To wrap up your Stop the Hunger Monster experience, please schedule a time to visit the Atlanta Community Food Bank. Our Education and Outreach staff will take your group on a tour of our facility, accept the donations collected during your action step and would love to hear all about your success to Stop the Hunger Monster. 

Schedule A Visit

Questions about your Stop the Hunger Monster experience and action step: education@acfb.org 

Experiences with hunger are widespread, and no one should hesitate to seek help.

If you or your students know someone who could use assistance, visit acfb.org/get-help/. You can also text 888-976-2232 to locate the nearest food pantry. Text FINDFOOD for English or COMIDA for Spanish.
Get Help